These short videos are designed to provide insight into your business transition and assumptions that you may be making as you move forward. We encourage you to take a few minutes and discover your options so you can control the most important financial event of your life.

As a business owner, you prepare for events that you can foresee. That should include the day you walk away. Whether planned or unplanned, at some point you WILL leave your business. With tens of thousands of owners exiting their businesses each year for the next two decades, preparation just makes good sense. There are five roads you can take.

Business owners and Advisors frequently discuss company values in terms of multiples. But multiples of what? Earnings, Profit, Cash Flow and Multiples mean different things to different people. What type of buyer you attract, the way they measure cash flow and how they value your business depends on multiple factors.

The more YOU work in your business, the less that it’s worth. Owner Centricity is the dependence of a company on the owner to perform and manage daily operations. Too much participation by the owner can destroy value and send interested buyers running.
Take the Quiz.

Planning a business exit is governed by numbers. If you know the value of your current assets and your ultimate financial objective, the difference between them is defined as your distance to goal. Use this simple way to graph your “Distance to Goal” using the ExitMap Triangulation tool. Contact us for details.