McNay Museum Slider2 MPN Inc. Exit Planning for Advisors 

McNay Square BW2 MPN Inc. Exit Planning for AdvisorsHow We Work
Every business that plans to transition needs expertise in legal, financial, regulatory and operational issues. No single advisor can realistically provide all the necessary skills to facilitate a successful business transition. We work in a collegial, team environment for every engagement to ensure the best possible outcome.
We provide operational expertise.
We have worked with over 500 business owners in virtually every major industry. That experience combines with our project management skills to coordinate a professional team which will accomplish a single goal – realizing the client’s objectives in transitioning his or her business.

Accountants MPN Inc. Exit Planning for AdvisorsAttorneys MPN Inc. AdvisorsConsultants MPN Inc. Exit Planning for AdvisorsFinancial Planners MPN Inc. Exit Planning for Advisors

How We Help
As a trusted advisor, you face a difficult conflict when offering advisory services. You often see areas where additional services could benefit your client, but promoting those risks might be seen as “selling,” and could damage the client’s confidence in your objectivity.
We help address the most important financial event of a business owner’s lifetime, a profitable exit from their business. We provide a professional, systematic approach to starting the consulting conversation with your client and help you develop it into a profitable engagement.
Some exit planners refer to themselves as “quarterbacks” of the process, which infers that they call the plays.
We consider ourselves “conductors.” Conductors can’t play the instruments as well as the musicians, nor do they write the music. However, they are responsible for the tempo, making sure everyone is on the same page of the score, and that the musicians are in sync and play together.

How to Begin Helping Your Client
ExitMap Assessment MPN Inc. Exit Planning for AdvisorsAsk your client to complete our online ExitMap® Assessment. It only takes 15 minutes, and does not require the client to provide sensitive or confidential information. It produces a 12-page report which we will debrief with the client in your office. The meeting takes an hour, and we do not charge for the debriefing.
You will provide immediate value to your client, and together we will discuss the opportunities for helping him or her develop a successful exit strategy.
Get Started

1. Send your client a link to our 15-minute Exit Readiness Assessment.
2. Take a Test Drive so you can review the report content in advance.
3. Request an Appointment for a meeting, telephone call or video conference.

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Professional Affiliations

  Awake at 2 Oclock Logo MPN Inc. Exit Planning for Business Owners THE ExitMap Logo MPN Inc. Exit Planning for Business Owners Exit Planning Institute Logo MPN Inc. Exit Planning for Business Owners  

  BEI Logo4 MPN Inc. Exit Planning for Business Owners TAB South Texas MPN Inc. Exit Planning for Business Owners The Exit Planning Exchange MPN Inc. Exit Planning for Business Owners